RC Cola-MoonPie Festival

June 21, 2025

7am - 5pm

This wacky, fun for the whole family event celebrates the South’s original fast food – an ice cold RC Cola and a fresh MoonPie.  Smiling visitors from all over the world (we can prove it cause there’s a “who travelled the furtherest contest!) stream into the downtown area where they find plenty of music, cloggers, weird but fun contests, MoonPie games, and a colorful parade just to name a few of the many things that occur throughout the day.  

Kick things off with a 10 Mile and 5K Races on certified courses on scenic but challenging routes

The Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce’s annual RC-MoonPie Festival is held annually on the third Saturday in June. This wacky, fun for the whole family event celebrates the South’s original fast food – an ice cold RC Cola and a fresh MoonPie. Smiling visitors from all over the world (we can prove it cause there’s a “who travelled the furtherest contest!) stream into the downtown area where they find plenty of music, cloggers, weird but fun contests, MoonPie games, and a colorful parade just to name a few of the many things that occur throughout the day. This grand old-fashioned celebration invites snack lovers from all over the world to enjoy a jam-packed day of fun for the whole family.

The day begins with the RC-MoonPie 10 Mile and 5K Races on certified courses on scenic but challenging routes.  All pre-registered runners are guaranteed a race shirt, and at the completion of the race all runners are invited to enjoy a complimentary breakfast that has been said to be one of the best around with biscuits and the fixings, fruit, and of course, RC’s and MoonPies!

Bell Buckle RC Cola-MoonPie 5K run

After the runners are cheered into the finish line, the festivities begin.  The stage is always abuzz with music, laughter, and entertainment that defy logic.  The parade is a perennial crowd favorite culminating in the crowning of the King and Queen of the Festival.  The coronation is followed by games for young and old alike and the grand finale – the cutting of the World’s Largest MoonPie – free dessert for all!

Schedule of Events

7:00 AM

Annual Bell Buckle Chamber 10 Mile & 5K Run

8:30-9:00 AM

Bell Buckle Chamber 5k Run Awards

9:00 AM

Craft Fair/ Food Court (Open All Day)

9:00-10:00 AM

Midstate Cloggers

10:00 - 10:30AM

Bell Buckle Chamber 10 mile Awards

10:30-11:15 AM

Midstate Cloggers

11:15 AM

RC Cola and Moon Pie Parade

12:00 PM

Bell Buckle Players Coronation Show Viva Bell Buckle with the King and Queen Coronation

12:45-2:30 PM

“Musical Entertainer” Contest

2:45-4:00 PM

RC Cola & MoonPie Games

4:00 PM

World’s Largest MoonPie